Taken from a 1901 Supplement to The (Illiopolis) State Center Record
Sovereign Medicine Co.
W. G. McNier, Treasurer and General Manager G. E. Clendennen, Secretary
That popular appreciation and recognition are but the natural and inevitable
rewards of true merit, and that methods characteristic of the strictest
integrity meet with a generous and hearty response wherever and whenever
enforced are well exemplified in the steady development and marked progress of
the Sovereign Medicine Co. This enterprise was founded and organized June, 1898,
for the purpose of manufacturing and distributing a remedy which has, because of
its wonderful and reliable results, achieved a triumph unparalleled in
therapeutics, and which is widely known as McNier’s Sovereign Rheumatic and
Neuralgia Cure. The discovery of this wonderful specific was due neither to
chance nor inspiration, but was the direct result of studied and close
investigation in pharmaceutical science by expert ability. Some years ago,
whilst following his
chosen profession as a pharmacist in the city of Chicago, Mr. W. G. McNier’s
attention was directed to the many cases of rheumatism and neuralgia constantly
prevalent. The sufferer’s pathetic pleadings for relief was a common
experience but the hope of permanent immunity was not entertained, the secret
was locked up in the storehouse of
Nature and as yet, it awaited the diligent efforts of the intelligent
investigator. Many of those who sought Mr. McNier’s professional services were
poor, plain people living in the city’s congested districts and whose scanty
earnings could not permit of the advantages of professional skill and knowledge.
The sufferings of these people exacted pity and compassion, their patience and
endurance in their pain and anguish commanded admiration, and their &lent
and tearless self-denial appealed in the most forcible terms for something; any
thing to alleviate their physical distress. Here then was an opportunity
prolific in results by the solution of the problem presented of providing a cure
for rheumatic and nervous troubles and at a price within the reach of the plain
people. These conditions commanded the attention of Mr. McNier and forthwith his
knowledge and energies were concentrated on that part of pharmaceutical science
bearing directly on rheumatic and nervous maladies. Time, patience, and
persistent intelligent effort brought their reward, and a formula was at length
discovered which is today known as McNier’s Sovereign Rheumatic and Neuralgia
Cure. In order the better to test its efficiency and establish beyond all doubt
its absolute reliability as a curative agent, years were allowed to elapse
during which period hundreds of cases, whose histories were well known and
authentic, were treated successfully and cured. In this manner was the
reputation of the McNier Sovereign Rheumatic and Neuralgia Cure built up through
its merits alone and vouched for by people knowing each other, their physical
disability, their consequent improvement, and beyond. all else, their
integrity and veracity. It was not, however, until June, 1898, that any attempt
was made to put this wonderful remedy on the market, and thus give the general
public its benefits. At that time a company was organized, consisting of I. C.
Loose, W. G. McNier and G. E. Clendennen, and steps were at once taken for the
manufacture and distribution of the medicine in quantities. Representatives were
employed to call at the homes of those afflicted with rheumatism or neuralgia in
a stated territory, furnish them with the cure free of all cost, and through the
results directly obtained create both confidence and a demand. The marvelous
success of this method was beyond the expectations of those interested in the
enterprise, for, whilst they had full confidence in the efficacy of their remedy
which, trial after trial, had repeatedly substantiated, they were obliged to
contend against strong odds arising from the popular prejudice against
proprietary medicines, the distrust. fostered for the cure-alls and nostrums
which flood the market and last, but not by any means least, the difficulties
which invariably attend the introduction of an unknown article in a community.
Systematic and intelligent effort has overcome all these obstacles so that
throughout the Central States, where representatives are at work; McNier’s
Rheumatic and Neuralgia Cure is meeting with universal recognition and its
consequence; increasing demand. Such has been the progress made that the
original plans
and facilities have become inadequate. Accordingly, on Jan. 1st of the present
year, the Sovereign Medicine Co. was incorporated under the laws of the State of
Illinois, a policy of expansion in trade territory outlined and adopted, and
every advantage that capital and experience could suggest was secured to develop
the business by being able to respond faithfully and quickly to its needs.
The Sovereign Medicine Co. has for its officers Mr. I. C. Loose, President; G. E. Clendennen, Secretary; and W. G. McNier, General Manager and Treasurer. Mr. Loose is among the successful business men and extensive land owners of Central Illinois. He is also engaged in the banking business, being one of the owners of the Farmer’s State Batik of Illiopolis Ills. Mr. G. E. Clendennen is among Illinois’ popular and leading educators, Mr. W. G. McNier conducts a successful drug business, his expert ability as a pharmacist always gaining the recognition and preference of the medical profession generally. All the gentlemen above named are of the strictest integrity, successful in their several enterprises and pursuits, and enjoy the esteem and regard of all who have held relations with them in a business or social capacity. McNier’s Sovereign Rheumatic and Neuralgia Cure is put up in tablet form and is composed of health giving ingredients, each having a specific action upon certain elements of disease and when in combination unite to form a powerful and invincible specific for curing all rheumatic neuralgic and nervous troubles. This great remedy contains no opiates such as morphine, quinine, acetanilide or other injurious narcotics. As an evidence of absolute faith in its curative properties and to awaken an interest and confidence which must precede demand, the Sovereign Medicine Co. offers to each purchaser a positive guarantee that, should he receive no benefit whatever from the use of the first box all precautions as recited in the published booklet pertaining to diet arid exposure being faithfully observed, the money will in every case be cheerfully refunded. With this guarantee always in force remittances on the part of the company are unheard of, on the contrary, testimonials continue to arrive by every mail; each and every ones expressive of gratitude for the wonderful benefits bestowed. Testimonials certain, clear, direct in their meaning from your own friends and acquaintances are the sure and infallible test. These are the solid foundation upon which the reputation of McNier’s Sovereign Rheumatic and Neuralgia Cure rests. These are the all powerful pleaders of its curative properties and they present an avalanche of argument convincing and unanswerable. Merit and merit alone has stamped this wonderful remedy with the seal of popular recognition and has made welcome its visitation to the homes of suffering humanity.
The Main office of the Sovereign Medicine Co. is located at Chicago, Ill., branch office and laboratory at Illiopolis, Ill. At either of which places orders will receive, prompt attention.