Regular Meetings
Dates, Times and Locations
(area code 217)
Illiopolis Business Association
Phone 486-3431
Illiopolis Village Board
Phone 486-2511
Meeting on the 1st and 3rd Monday
6:30 p.m.
Illiopolis Visitation Hall
Illiopolis Community Service Club
Phone 486-6295
Meeting on the 2nd Monday
Illiopolis / Niantic Public Library
Illiopolis Township Board
Paul Lee - Supervisor, Phone 720-1750
Thadd Peters - Road Commissioner, Phone 855-5811
Meeting on the 1st Tuesday
7:30 p.m.
Illiopolis Township Hall
Riverside Cemetery
Maintained by Illiopolis Township Board
Paul Lee - Supervisor, Phone 720-1750 or Maurice Wilson 494-8193
Illiopolis 4-H Club
Phone 486-6496
Meeting on the 3rd Sunday
5:00 p.m.
Illiopolis United Methodist Church
Illiopolis / Niantic Public Library Board
Phone 486-5561
Meeting on the 3rd Monday
5:00 p.m.
Illiopolis/Niantic Public Library, Illiopolis
Illiopolis Girl Scouts
Phone 486-6496
Illiopolis Cub Scouts
Phone (e-mail this website)
Illiopolis PTO
Phone 486-7521 (School)